
Monday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 7:15 AM - 11:45 AM
12:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

About Soft Tissue

More About Soft Tissue

Here is some thorough information on what I do.

You don’t have to understand technical language to know that when you get treatment here, you’re getting the most researched and up-to-date care available.
  • Law of Repetitive Motion

    The Law of repetitive motion was developed by Dr. Michael Leahy to describe what happens with soft tissue. As you can see from the formula below, the insult to the tissue is directly proportional to the number of repetitions performed and the maximum force required to do those repetitions. The insult to the tissue is indirectly proportional to the amplitude (size) of the movement performed and the amount of relaxation time between repetitions.


    NF AR

    I = Insult to the tissues

    N = Number of repetitions

    F = Force or tension of each repetition as a percent of maximum muscle strength (% of what the muscle is capable of doing)

    A = Amplitude (size) of motion

    R = Relaxation time between repetitions (lack of pressure or tension on the tissue involved)

  • How Scar Tissue Forms

    The Science has been here regarding how scar tissue forms in soft tissue:

    P02(partial pressure of Oxygen)
    Chemotaxis(white blood cells chemotaxically attracted to the area)
    Proliferation of Fibroblasts(scar tissue)

    Dawes, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 1994

    Key concepts from the Dawes study
    - You can form scar tissue just because there is less oxygen (hypoxia)
    - You can form scar tissue without even injuring the tissue
    - The scar tissue will develop slowly over time

    P02 (partial pressure of Oxygen)
    mRnA(messender RNA - mechanism in DNA transcription)
    Alpha 1 Procollagen
    scar tissue

    Falanga,Journal of Cellular Physiology, 1993

    Key concepts from the Falanga study
    - This mechanism allows scar tissue to form without a classic type of injury

  • Cumulative Injury Cycle

    Cumulative Injury Cycle